Nov 6, 2007

The idea of emigration

It was the year of 2000 when I went to a business breakfast offered by the Canadian Embassy in Buenos Aires. The main idea of this meeting was to sell "Software 2000" that will take in Charlottetown, in the Prince Edward Island (PEI).

I always had the idea to "export" software development from Argentina to the rest of the world. I started to get contacts in other parts of the world -mainly in US, Spain, India and Canada- participating in the developers forum, programming languages like Powerbuilder, Foxpro, Visual Basic, C# and others. 

I thought this business breakfast was the kick-off of this idea, the opportunity of doing concrete contacts, in this case, in Canada; the opportunity to expose the name of my IT Software consulting company in a forum where I can get concrete contacts to work with.

Unfortunately we never did it, I mean we never went to Software 2000... but I could perceive how the Canadian people work and a faint light is turned on a little little lamp... the idea of emigration was there.